BMX champion Braden Bradford is a Nottinghamshire, UK, rider and champion. He’s been riding bikes all his life. Here he shows a mounting position for a Flymount/GoPro combination which gives a great new angle. Flymounts are durable and light, ideal for holding action cameras secure during the hammering a BMX rider gives to all his gear.
We changed the angle of the GoPro around the bike to get new views as Braden practised on track, then chose the best sequences for editing. Surprisingly, shots from the bike are pretty stable and give a much more immediate feeling of speed and action than the usual head mounted footage.

This just goes to show that other cycling sports, such as mountain biking and freestyle would also work great. Or, if you prefer the less hectic approach, some cruisey shots from your meanders around the local hills and downs. Whatever your cycling application with GoPro action cams Flymount fits the bill.

Flymount – not just for BMX!
You can put a Flymount on most round bars (including BMX handlebars) so changing the angle of view is fast and simple – great for experimenting and getting shots of your friends and competitors to build a story about your day.

Using a Flymount is a great way to get point of view shots. Or, if you’re able to fix to a static object then as long as you ride fairly close (as action cams don’t like distance shots) you can still nail some awesome epics.

Flymount Aero-40 Ultralight Action Camera Mount
If you have any questions on how to shoot great GoPro BMX shots, or action shots of all types, then get in touch with us. Alternatively, head over to the Flymount online shop where you’ll find all those great action camera mounts. Plus plenty of other additional details.
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